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Frequently Asked Questions

Does your business need answers to Occupational Health questions?

We've created an employer-friendly FAQ for all of your Occupational Health and Employee Wellbeing queries.
If you would like to discuss further, or have additional questions about occupational health provision in the workplace, don't hesitate to get in touch with our clinical team. 

  • What is Presenteeism?

    Presenteeism is a term used to describe employees who seem to be present whilst at work but not being fully functional.

    Staff may also be working long hours without seeming present, leading employers to believe they are performing or working at a decreased level, which can be due to a range of social and / or economic distractions.

  • What is Absence Management?

    Effective Absence Management is a service that can help your business reduce the amount of time employees are absent from work due to sickness, injury, or other physical / mental health issues. Persistent absence is often referred to as "Absenteeism"

  • How can I manage Employee Productivity?

    We work closely with employers to develop strong relationships. maintaining and improving your workforce’s Occupational Health and helping you deliver best-in-class employee wellbeing.

    This covers supporting the physical, psychological and sociological factors that can affect your employee’s health - we call it our biopsychosocial approach - all of which will help your staff become more productive.

  • What is Holistic Absence Management?

    Our Holistic Absence Management approach is focused on our Biopsychosocial model

    We look at several factors, including factors within the workplace and outside of the workplace and the interconnection between biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors and the employees’ health. 

  • What is MSK?

    MSK is an acronym for Musculoskeletal. Musculoskeletal conditions can arise in any number of job roles and can lead to employees suffering an MSK disorder. It can affect sedentary office workers, drivers, and other roles which involve manual handling.

  • How can I find out if an employee is fit for work?

    At UKIM, our digital Pre Placement Assessment service looks at your employee's fitness for work.

    It covers the biopsychosocial capability of any prospective team member to ensure that they are fit for their role of employment.

    fitness for work Pre Placement Assessments will also ascertain the suitability for existing employees changing roles or working locations.

  • What is an Employee Wellbeing Strategy?

    An Employee Wellbeing strategy focusses on the physical, psychological  & social factors of an employee's general wellness and wellbeing. 

  • What type of conditions would you need Physiotherapy for?

    A course of Physiotherapy is especially good for a range of Musculoskeletal (MSK) problems such as Neuromusculoskeletal, Back pain, Whiplash Injuries, Sports injuries, Arthritis & Post-surgery recovery. 

  • What is an Occupational Health Physiotherapist?

    Occupational Health (OH) Physiotherapists help employers and staff to use movement and equipment within their role to maintain health and safety.

    OH Physiotherapists seek to prevent as well as treat problems such as long-standing Musculoskeletal (MSK) problems.

  • What is an Occupational Health Adviser?

    Occupational Health advisers ensure the wellbeing of employees is continually maintained, ensuring staff are safe at work, both physically and mentally.

    At UKIM, we develop strong relationships with employers to maintain and improve the occupational health and employee wellbeing of their workforce.

  • What happens in an Occupational Health Assessment?

    When we conduct an Occupational Health Assessment, we review a range of fitness for work tasks including checking blood pressure, completing musculoskeletal questionnaires (MSK) to checking lung function, drug & alcohol testing, cholesterol (good and bad) and exposure to vibration. 

  • What is Case Management?

    At UKIM we support employers in reducing employee sickness absences through our Case Management processes by offering time-efficient, employee-centric advice.

    In turn, this service offers increased productivity, delivering a significant return on investment to your business.

  • What do UKIM Occupational Health Physiotherapists do?

    UKIM OH Physiotherapists have the skills, knowledge, and practical experience in workplace physiotherapy to provide occupational health physiotherapy services, further adding to your company benefits by reduce staff absence and illness.

  • What is the role of Occupational Health?

    Occupational Health seeks to build strong relationships with employers to maintain and improve the occupational health and employee wellbeing of their workforce. 

  • When is Physiotherapy used?

    Physiotherapy is used to restore the movement and overall body function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.

    At UKIM, our physiotherapy services achieve this through exercise, manual therapy, education and advice to help manage pain, recover fitness and strength, and facilitate recovery. 

  • How do I get referred for Physiotherapy via my workplace?

    At UKIM Employee Wellbeing, we have 3 referral routes:

    1. Self-referral via email of our OH Advice Line 
    2. Referral via HR or your line manager 
    3. Onward referral by an Occupational Health Practitioner.

Are you an employee looking for advice on an Occupational Health assessment?

We've created an FAQ that answers key questions such as why an OH assessment may be required, what information is shared with employers, and other helpful information. You can read our Employee Occupational Health FAQ here ››



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