Employee requests for stress management support are on the increase - do you have a programme in place?

As stress levels increase, so does employees’ proactive desire for stress management programmes. In the workplace, it’s no secret that stress levels can peak and become problematic for day-to-day life and work activities.

Whether it be increased workloads causing stress, communication barriers with HR professionals and managers, or issues with time and project management, there’s a lot of aspects at work that can cause employee stress levels to rise. It’s important to help employees deal with and reduce their stress levels as it can have a negative impact on productivity, focus, relationships, and overall mental health and wellbeing.

As the UK struggles with poor mental health and support due to the pandemic, economic hardships and more, it’s pushed staff to seek support in the workplace, especially since being at work can be a key contributing factor towards stress and poor mental health. Research has shown that 54% of employees around the UK want access to Stress Reduction Programmes.

Wellbeing strategies, and personal development courses such as Stress Reduction, can have a huge positive impact on employee’s mental health and in turn, it will have a positive impact on productivity and their work.

How can wellbeing strategies help?

By giving employees the skills and techniques to deal with common mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and burnout. Tackling any negative coping mechanism or thinking patterns, as well as teaching general positive wellbeing and lifestyle tips, can create a more positive and healthier workforce. We all need to focus on positive wellbeing in order to be happy, healthy, and to reach our goals.

How can UKIM Occupational Health & Wellbeing help?

Our expert team has designed bespoke Employee Wellbeing strategies to help companies build a thriving and productive workforce. We use our unique product set to bring measurable benefits in Employee Wellbeing to organisations, which includes: