NHS waitlist set to reach over 8 million by mid 2024 - can Occupational Health Services help?

How Occupational Health services can help reduce the NHS Waitlist

The NHS waiting list is set to reach more than 8 million by summer 2024 due to strike action, staffing, budgets, and recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to The Health Foundation, regardless of strike action, it could rise even further.

Businesses across the UK, whether they’re small or large, are already starting to see the effects of the waitlists and lack of treatment. It’s taking longer for staff to return to work, and the productivity of staff at work, is dropping due to ill-health. Without their own occupational health teams, businesses are struggling.

How might your business be affected?

Alison Tweedie, UKIM’s Consultant Occupational Physician, shares why the NHS waitlist times are damaging:

“Individuals in the workplace with health conditions awaiting treatment could experience worsening symptoms with reduced workplace productivity or defaulting to sickness absence. The latter may result in a financial burden on the individual and the employer as well as potential wider social impact with provision of additional financial and benefit support.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the psychological impact upon individual’s dealing with long term health conditions and consequences of delay in treatment.”

It’s clear that there’s a huge need for businesses to invest in occupational health; Alison went on to explain why…

“We advocate businesses use occupational health services when managing staff members with underlying health conditions which may affect their performance or attendance at work.
Occupational Health Services can provide tailored advice and support on how to keep individuals well at work and any adjustments that may be required to support their health, whilst considering the demands of their role and operational feasibility. They also have a valuable understanding of employment legislation and case law in this area.”

Helping your business manage Occupational Health investment

That’s why UKIM are here to help manage staff productivity, presenteeism, absenteeism, and overall wellbeing so that businesses, and staff themselves, can thrive. We have our own team of nurses and psychologists spanning the whole of the UK so that staff can always be supported quickly. This means that they can have faster treatment and return to work or be more present and productive whilst at work.

Businesses having their own Occupational Health teams can help the NHS by taking some pressure off the wait lists, as well as benefitting the business and the staff- it’s a win-win.